<script id="shader-fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> precision highp float; uniform sampler2D samp; varying vec2 tc; const float h = 1./512.; void main(void) { vec2 t = texture2D(samp, tc).xy; vec2 D = -3.*t, Df = floor(D), Dd = D - Df; vec2 tc1 = tc + Df*h; float new = // bilinear interpolation of the 4 closest texels (texture2D(samp, tc1).z*(1. - Dd.y) + texture2D(samp, vec2(tc1.x, tc1.y + h)).z*Dd.y)*(1. - Dd.x) + (texture2D(samp, vec2(tc1.x + h, tc1.y)).z*(1. - Dd.y) + texture2D(samp, vec2(tc1.x + h, tc1.y + h)).z*Dd.y)*Dd.x; gl_FragColor = vec4(t, new, 1. ); } </script>
[1] Jos Stam
Fluid Dynamics for Games
[2] Mark J. Harris
Fast Fluid Dynamics Simulation on the GPU
GPU Gems:
Chapter 38