Large Mandelbrot set image
Click mouse to Zoom In x2. Hold Ctrl to Zoom Out.
Use Shift to modify Zoom In/Out x4
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One single touch is equivalent to mouse click.
(MaxIt = 3000)
The Boundary Tracing algorithm
The Boundary Tracing algorithm [1,2] makes use of the fact that there are not
areas of one color "inside" areas of a different color. This means, that if
you trace the boundary of a region of a single color, then all the pixels
inside that area will have that one color also. In the left image below only
13% of pixels are calculated and all the rest are simply flooded. But it is
evident, that you can get wrong picture (to the right) for very large scale.
Click this image to "repair" it.
[1] Michael R. Ganss
(a copy
and boundary.c)
[2] John Bailey
Boundary Tracing algorithm
updated 14 Sep 2013