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This mailing list was created to let you know what's going on in the Triangle's Urban and Electronic scenes.
Mailing list for covering beekeeping and bee/hive management issues as well as information for the association members.
Mailing list intended as a network between media arts organizations in North Carolina, in order to better the situation for media arts creators and…
Announcement mailing list for Internationalist Books of Chapel Hill, NC.
Primarily a list for announcing poetry readings that are part of the Desert City series held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Other poetry and related…
The Technology Committee was created to develop short and long range plans for addressing communication and technology needs, review and advise the…
This is an email forum for our convivium members and other interested parties to share information about our enjoyment of good tasting food, the care…
Mailing list for the Lucifer Poetics group, an affiliation of people interested in contemporary poetry with an emphasis on avant-garde, post-avant,…
Archival Site: AIM is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing local awareness of improvised music, through presenting performances, running…
Archives from the newsgroup alt.psychology.personality which discusses different models of personality analysis.