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PLEASE NOTE: This site is NO LONGER BEING UPDATED! Otherwise, all of the content material remains accessible for the time being. Please use it with…
Open Humanities Press (OHP) is an open access publisher of contemporary critical and cultural theory. A grassroots initiative by academics,…
Study of relationships between staff and President, experience and task, organization and responsibility at time of leadership transition.
The Knowledge Trust is a commitment by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science to shape a…
NASA Video Archives K-16 Science Education Programs Videos, 1998 – 2005, viewable provides a user-friendly interface to read books online. Many tools are provided to explore and utilize this collection of public…
Discography of soul 45s from North and South Carolina.
The O.305 François Musin is the last of her kind... She was built in 1948 at the shipyard Beliard in Ostend. During her short career, she…
GetWiki is a wiki document collaboration and discussion site for a wide variety of intellectual topics in the Humanities and Sciences, from…
MaritimeDigital Archive is a project started by Frederic Logghe. The site offers a collection of more then 4000 photo's, 800 postcards, 50…