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The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill proposes to establish the Carolina Exploratory Center for Cheminformatics Research to promote…
Chaotic dynamics of nonlinear maps is explained and illustrated by means of tiny Java applets
TechniCalc is an alliance of sites devoted to the use of handheld computers and calculators in industry and academics.
GetWiki is a wiki document collaboration and discussion site for a wide variety of intellectual topics in the Humanities and Sciences, from…
Journal de Estudios OrientalesElectronic - Full-Text Open AccessEscuela de Estudios OrientalesUniversidad del Salvador
This site is based around Celestia, a free, 3-D, real-time space simulator. Celestia is an awesome experience for anyone interested in physics,…
An animated 3D generalization of John Conway's Game of Life written in Java, with examples.
More Than Math integrates the visual arts into the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade mathematics curriculum using works of art from the collection of the…
Bezier, B-spline, NURBS, and many other spline curves and surfaces with interactive 2D Java applets and VRML
A virtual investigation with interactive, animated fractals, articles and fractal math equations