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NASA Video Archives K-16 Science Education Programs Videos, 1998 – 2005, viewable
A site for software, artwork, space, science and fun: Contribute to development, workshops and publications of software, artwork and high resolution…
Virtual AGC is an emulation of the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) used in the Apollo Command Modules and Lunar Modules in 1968-1972. The project…
GetWiki is a wiki document collaboration and discussion site for a wide variety of intellectual topics in the Humanities and Sciences, from…
This site is based around Celestia, a free, 3-D, real-time space simulator. Celestia is an awesome experience for anyone interested in physics,…
The North Carolina Section of the International Dark-Sky Association represents North Carolina's first significant consolidated effort to reduce the…
ARCHIVAL Site: Astrobiology: The Living Universe is the web's premiere educational resource for astrobiology, featuring in-depth information and…
The Contact Project was a puzzle designed to show how difficult it would be to translate a message from extra-terrestrials. Instead it showed how the…