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A full-text collection of scholarly articles and books, in English and French, on the life and works of the French novelist. Hundreds of colour…
Webpage with links to Jon Bosak's XML & SGML papers and presentations.Also contains Selected Poems by Bethany Schroeder.
Open Humanities Press (OHP) is an open access publisher of contemporary critical and cultural theory. A grassroots initiative by academics,…
The PUBLIC POETRY PROJECT (PPP) seeks to move away from a model of poetics reliant upon a notion of the solitary, laboring, sometimes melancholic…
Electronic texts in 6 langauaes of most of Jules Verne works. Home of the Jules Verne Forum mailing list. FAQ about Joules verne in 13 langauages.…
A collection of richard condons epitagraphs from The Keeners Manual, also includes book and lyric quotes
Hans Christian Andersen fairytales and stories with original illustrations and english translations. Andersen Stamp Collection. Andersen's… provides a user-friendly interface to read books online. Many tools are provided to explore and utilize this collection of public…
An extensive look into the culture of one of Humanity's oldest continuous civilizations. There is always a symbolic meaning behind almost…
"At every turn in its thought, society will find us - waiting." New works in the public domain since 1987. Hundreds of pages of the zine…