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The author decided to have a sample of amalgam tested after a gold alloy bridge that had been in vivo for 9+ years came loose and fell out of his…
The Prostate Cancer Coalition of North Carolina is a community of people dedicated to the defeat of prostate cancer. By working together the citizens…
NASA Video Archives K-16 Science Education Programs Videos, 1998 – 2005, viewable
This collection is for research conducted jointly by the UNC Center for Disability and Literacy Studies ( ) and the…
The purpose of this project is to build an electronic lab for an undergraduate evolution course. The lab studies heritability, which is a measure of…
EcoAccess helps you find and share environmental information online, providing access to the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about…
An enormous collection of all things pertaining to ecology and farming: aquaculture, beekeeping, biocontrol, biodynamics, bioremediation,…
Spanish language gardening e-journal - focusing on gardening design and information for climate of Seville, Spain
A pop-up Java applet that displays a collection of the greatest patterns ever created in Conway's Game of Life. Life is one example of a cellular…
Examine the Haw River, its inhabitants and its users. A Flash (require plug-in) presentation with interactive pages on pollution, sedimentation,…