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Today, SIMC stands for "Semiconducting and Insulating Materials Conferences". When it was initiated in 1980, SIMC stood for…
The Potto Project is a community collaborative effort towrite quality engineering textbooks and softwarefor colleges and operates in the spirit of the…
Virtual AGC is an emulation of the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) used in the Apollo Command Modules and Lunar Modules in 1968-1972. The project…
GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is an Open Source/Free Software Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster,…
Project Links has created a library of hypertext modules that link topics in mathematics with contemporary applications in engineering and science.…
WebReader for selected ham radio newsgroups: antennas boatanchors collins dx dxbase dx-qsl glowbugs heathkit hammarlund heath homebrew kenwood…