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Shadowed by WWII before it and the Vietnam war after, the Korean War is one of the least remembered conflicts of the 20th Century. The CIA recently…
A showcase of Chinese Art including architecture, caligraphy, photography, and history.
Information about World Tibet Day - created to help restore freedom for those living in Tibet, to increase awareness of the genocidal threats, and to…
An extensive look into the culture of one of Humanity's oldest continuous civilizations. There is always a symbolic meaning behind almost…
Artifacts and Stories of Historical Interest from the Cizewski, Lovetere, Musbach, & Robinson Families. This is a collection from the military…
An online archive of a CD-ROM containing World Student Christian Federation Asia-Pacific Region (WSCF-AP) print publications on theology, history,…
A UNC course exploring the life, works and acts of Mohandas Gandhi. We attempt to evaluate Gandhi on his own terms; we try to tell his story by…
Journal de Estudios OrientalesElectronic - Full-Text Open AccessEscuela de Estudios OrientalesUniversidad del Salvador
TCHRD is the first Tibetan non-governmental organization (NGO) to be formed with the goal of protecting and promoting human rights of the Tibetan…
The specificity of this transverse network of international solidarity is to regroup NGO representatives from three countries, each of them…