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Site offers sequences of Tom Tight Et Dum Dum, 1903, France, 35mm, 16fps, 2000 frames, digitized 2003, 2k resolution, director Georges…
A showcase of Chinese Art including architecture, caligraphy, photography, and history.
B.B. King is widely known as King of the Blues, with a career spanning approximately fifty years and as many albums. Born Riley B. King in 1925, he…
NASA Video Archives K-16 Science Education Programs Videos, 1998 – 2005, viewable
For a democratic society to function properly, citizens must participate in their government, be educated to think critically and be able to freely…
The MiLife Carolina Media Festival is a presentation of original motion picture, musical and graphical presentations that represent the creative…
(Filmaker/media artist's site in Brooklyn) which features public domain material and helpful links and event information that contribute to a rich…
Photography portfolio. Includes 3 photographic series: "Landscapes at the Edge of Perception," "Scrambled Signals," and…
GetWiki is a wiki document collaboration and discussion site for a wide variety of intellectual topics in the Humanities and Sciences, from…
MaritimeDigital Archive is a project started by Frederic Logghe. The site offers a collection of more then 4000 photo's, 800 postcards, 50…