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The website presents an account of the dimensions of colour and light perception, written for painters using either traditional or digital mediums.
A showcase of Chinese Art including architecture, caligraphy, photography, and history.
Alexander Vaisman paintings and drawings
A site for software, artwork, space, science and fun: Contribute to development, workshops and publications of software, artwork and high resolution…
Academic examination of the term "outsider art" and it's application.
Blenderart magazine offers upfront news and information on the latest blender 3d techique and tutorials on the web. We're an online based 2D/3D…
The MiLife Carolina Media Festival is a presentation of original motion picture, musical and graphical presentations that represent the creative…
Collection of Public Domain clipart optimized for use with word processors (hence WP Clipart), at first was created specifically with AbiWord in mind.…
DefineHCI is an exploration of defining human-computer interaction and the explorationof design issues, visual communication, andvisual thinking.
GetWiki is a wiki document collaboration and discussion site for a wide variety of intellectual topics in the Humanities and Sciences, from…