Object Detection (coco-ssd)
Open a new browser window (or tab) and Copy / Paste(Ctrl+V) images from Internet.
You can copy images from your PC e.g. by Photos or Paint.
lite_mobilenet_v2 is smallest in size, and fastest in inference speed.
mobilenet_v2 has the highest classification accuracy. Set new line width of boundary boxes.
Canvas size corresponds to the expected by COCO-SSD image size (300x300 pixels).
See console for detailes.
See also Animated Fruits Detection (coco-ssd).
Similar applications:
- With "upload image" and "webcam"
by Dhruv Jawalkar.
- You can edit codepen and
glitch demos
with "fixed" images and webcam by Jason Mayes.
I'd like to detect Roses.
Simple detector: lite MobileNet - "head" layers + big dense top layer (isn't it YOLO 1 :)?
Isn't it similar to the "face.api" approach?
Retrain coco-ssd?
a YOLOv3 Object Detection Model with a Custom Dataset Jan 9
See github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models/tree/master/coco-ssd.
Note that SSD model rescales image to "the expected 300x300 pixels
// Warmup the model.
const result = await this.model.executeAsync(tf.zeros([1, 300, 300, 3])) as tf.Tensor[];
The COCO dataset puts 80 class names in 90 class index.
See Object Detection:
class number 12 is missing in MSCoco.
TFjs notes
updated 19 Jan 2020