This site began as an independent study but has grown beyond the original
. The purpose is to educate the general public about the pipe organ. This
site may be used for educational purposes only. All borrowed information
is being used for academic purposes and is cited in the Sources
page. All pictures and information without a citation are the property
of Marya J. Fancey and may not be reproduced without permission.
Many people helped me on this project. Dr. Reginald Bain of the University
of South Carolina helped me with most of the site. Dr. William Bates, also
of USC, answered many of my questions about the organ. For HTML and graphics
assistance, I thank my friends at Renaissance Interactive, particularly
Dean Schuster and Kenneth Jackson. I also appreciate Lynn Dobson's willingness
to be interviewed even though he had a busy schedule. At University of
Florida, Prof. Willis Bodine and Dr. James-Paul Sain lent their guidance.