3D Daisy model classification demo

  it Δo age

Use mouse to control 3D daisy model (mouse wheel will zoom it).
Press X,Y,Z buttons to get rotation scans around corresponding axes. To test translation/scaling invariance just Copy/Paste images from the 3D procedural daisy editor into the CNN translation/scaling invariance demo.
You can set new daisy age [0 - 1].

CNNs trained on ImageNet-2012 dataset do not recognize procedural roses and tulips (they like daisy only). We can fine tune them to classify flowers next.

Blind Zone (BZ) effect

Use X,Y- scans to see BZ in the daisy side view.
daisy X-scan with BZ.
See console for X,Y-scans integration rezults (IntX, IntY, Int = (IntX + IntY)/2). Axial daisy symmetry is assumed. φ angle integration with weight Sin(φ)dφ should be made from the daisy top view.
Model    Pmax   IntX   IntY   Int
v2_1.00  0.94   0.53   0.64   0.58
v2_0.35  0.78   0.37   0.32   0.35
ResNet   1.00   0.89   0.78   0.83
Averaging in the "Daisy" Dataset test corresponds to Monte Carlo integration and correlates well with this data.

Questions remain about the BZ causes. E.g. why new daisy age doesn't help me to improve predictions.

TFjs notesupdated 6 Dec 2019