Animated Fruits Detection (coco-ssd)

N size Δ detect

Set new "model", "size" or number of fruits N ≤ 7. Δ is the fruits speed multiplier. 2D Canvas and 128x128 sprites are used for animation. Canvas size corresponds to the expected by COCO-SSD image size (300x300 pixels). See also Object Detection coco ssd demo with Copy/Paste images from Internet.

Big fruits (>90x90px) are detected better. Coco likes big fruits (me too :)

On RTX 2070 ~ 40-45 fps for all models (MobileNet v2 is slightly slower).
on Ryzen5 3500U + Vega8 ~ 20 fps and 14 fps for MobileNet v2.
TFjs notes     updated 21 Jan 2020