WebXR Gardens
We can make 3D models in VR "by hand" (tested in Oculus Quest 2, ThreeJS lib is used).
I hope it is possible to make an exhibition site where you will be able to make your
VR Gardens. Any suggestions or comments?
Oculus Quest 2 "Hand Works" (NURBS based flowers)
Lily Bouquet.
Lily texture and
Lily colors editors.
You can edit petal colors.
We need an artist to make more accurate colors (and shapes).
E.g. how to choose DirectionalLight intensity and direction?
Lily Cartoon Bouquet,
Toy Bouquet, Lily and
Lily bud (bud 2) editors.
NURBS patch and
- Only one controller (the yellow small cone) yet (in the left or right hand at random).
- Press "select" button to move selected (red) spline control point.
- Press "squeeze" button to move the whole model.
- Press Save/Load to save the patch on server (use www.ibiblio.org URL).
- Use mouse to control model on PC.
- ThreeJS is used (see also
THREEjs examples: WebGL NURBS curve and surface).
VR Lathe Flowers
VR Animated Lathe Flowers
Bouquet (webgl) and
Tiny Garden (webgl).
Free lathe.js lib (github.com) is used.
Comments for VR "Gardeners"
- To Do: add NURBS flowers animations.
- 2D NURBS or 'Lathe' spline patches with rotational simmetry (generated by spline curves)
are used to make flower shapes.
- You can edit NURBS in VR "by hand" (tested in Oculus Quest 2).
Next save model and use data on a PC to compose flowers in a text editor.
- To save save your works on server (now works only simple demo)
we need registration, place for comments and so on...
Which WorldPress plugin is more suitable for this?
- Mesh colors or textures are used to paint flowers.
- 3x4 patches are used now. We need 3x5 (and maybe 3x3) ones for Pansy (and Orchids).
Diagonal 3x3 patches with sharp tip for leaves.
- We need artists to make more accurate colors (and shapes).
E.g. how to choose DirectionalLight intensity and direction?
- Normal, displacement mappings...?
- github.com/evdem/webxr-lathe-flowers MIT License.
- See also Interactive Splines.
3D flower links
WebXR samples
updated 6 May 2021
"demidov at ipm.sci-nnov.ru"