Object detection I: CNN Heat Maps


Use mouse to control 3D daisy model (mouse wheel will zoom it). The brightness of the image is proportional to exp(0.1 (Aij - max)), where Aij - activations in the "daisy" class on 7x7 grid, max - is the maximum Aij value or is equal to "actMax" (if checked).

This application shows which areas of the image contribute the most to the "daisy" prediction.

Class Activation Mapping and CNN surgery

As you can see below ("mobilenet.summary()" is used), the 1024-features map (or embeddings or activations) of the MobileNet_v1_1.0_224 is made by the Global Average Pooling (GAP) over the 7×7 space grid of the preceding [7,7,1024]-features map.
See also MobileNet v1 Layers model analysis or You can use e.g. "JSON Viewer Awesome" Chrome extension to explore model.json file.
conv_pw_13_relu              [null,7,7,1024]
global_average_pooling2d_1   [null,1024]

Therefore, if we cut off the GAP layer, we will get localization of activations in the "daisy" channel on the 7×7 space grid. You can see above activations in bilinear interpolated and nearest modes. See also e.g. CNN Heat Maps: Class Activation Mapping (CAM).

MobileNet surgery

The "base" and "head" models are made from the MobileNet_v1_1_224 Layer model.
  const layer = mobilenet.getLayer('conv_pw_13_relu');
  baseModel = tf.model({inputs: mobilenet.inputs, outputs: layer.output});

  const layerPred = await mobilenet.getLayer('conv_preds');
  const weight985 = layerPred.getWeights()[0].slice([0,0,0,985],[1,1,-1,1]);
  model = tf.sequential({
    layers: [
        inputShape: [7,7,1024],  filters: 1,  kernelSize: 1,
        useBias: false, weights: [weight985]
The baseModel returns [1,7,7,1024] feature map. Then the "head" model convolves 1024 features with the daisy class (985) weights.
async function classify() {
  const predicted = tf.tidy( () => {
    const image = tf.browser.fromPixels(cnv);
    const normalized = image.toFloat().mul(normConst).add(inpMin);
    const batched = normalized.reshape([-1, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, 3]);
    const basePredict = baseModel.predict(batched);
    return model.predict(basePredict);
  const data = predicted.dataSync();
  let ma = data[0], sum = ma;
  for(let i = 1; i < 49; i++ ){
    let di = data[i];
    sum += di;
    if(ma < di)  ma = di;
  console.log("max= " + ma.toFixed(2) + ", av= " + (sum/49).toFixed(2));
  let t = 0;
  let heat_tex = new Uint8Array(7*7);
  if(chkMax) ma = actMax;
  for(let i = 0; i < 7; i++ ){
    for(let j = 0; j < 7; j++, t++ )
      heat_tex[t] = Math.min(255*Math.exp(0.1*(data[t] - ma)), 255);
We should use "exp(data[t] - ma)" value, but picture with the "0.1" multiplier looks better.

For Object Detection one can add new layers on the top of the base model next...

TFjs notes     updated 29 Nov 2019