Use mouse to control 3D daisy model (mouse wheel will zoom it). The brightness of the image is proportional to exp(0.1 (Aij - max)), where Aij - activations in the "daisy" class on 7x7 grid, max - is the maximum Aij value or is equal to "actMax" (if checked). |
conv_pw_13_relu [null,7,7,1024] ____________________________________________ global_average_pooling2d_1 [null,1024]
const layer = mobilenet.getLayer('conv_pw_13_relu'); baseModel = tf.model({inputs: mobilenet.inputs, outputs: layer.output}); const layerPred = await mobilenet.getLayer('conv_preds'); const weight985 = layerPred.getWeights()[0].slice([0,0,0,985],[1,1,-1,1]); model = tf.sequential({ layers: [ tf.layers.conv2d({ inputShape: [7,7,1024], filters: 1, kernelSize: 1, useBias: false, weights: [weight985] }) ] });The baseModel returns [1,7,7,1024] feature map. Then the "head" model convolves 1024 features with the daisy class (985) weights.
async function classify() { draw(); const predicted = tf.tidy( () => { const image = tf.browser.fromPixels(cnv); const normalized = image.toFloat().mul(normConst).add(inpMin); const batched = normalized.reshape([-1, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, 3]); const basePredict = baseModel.predict(batched); return model.predict(basePredict); }); const data = predicted.dataSync(); predicted.dispose(); let ma = data[0], sum = ma; for(let i = 1; i < 49; i++ ){ let di = data[i]; sum += di; if(ma < di) ma = di; } console.log("max= " + ma.toFixed(2) + ", av= " + (sum/49).toFixed(2)); let t = 0; let heat_tex = new Uint8Array(7*7); if(chkMax) ma = actMax; for(let i = 0; i < 7; i++ ){ for(let j = 0; j < 7; j++, t++ ) heat_tex[t] = Math.min(255*Math.exp(0.1*(data[t] - ma)), 255); }We should use "exp(data[t] - ma)" value, but picture with the "0.1" multiplier looks better.
For Object Detection one can add new layers on the top of the base model next...