Existendo Video Games
Existentialist literature has never been a big hit with kids, and
let's face it, would you slip Jean-Paul Sartre's Nausea
into your beach bag? But the line of video games offered by the
Existendo Company would put a wan smile on even Sartre's grouchy
face. This screen from The Myth of Sisyphus, and the
accompanying excerpt from one of the firm's ads, say it all:
Count on Existendo to bring you the very best in French
Existentialist video games. Albert Camus' Myth of Sysyphus
delivers endles hours of philosophically challenging, ego-battering
entertainment. Ponder your pointlessness as Man scores big on the uphill
push, then the Rock's downward roll sets him back to zip! Fruitless fun
for the whole family.
Also available: Sartre's enraging No Exit,
Ionesco's action-free Rhinoceros!, and Beckett's depressing
interactive video, Krapp's Last Tape. Buy them all!
You'll be dead someday anyway!
i enjoy email at beastie@ibiblio.org