Greybeard's Blender Tutorials

Welcome to GreyBeard's Blender tutorials! The video tutorials you find on this site are my way of giving back to the Blender community and thanking them for the wonderful work they have done in developing the open source application Blender. I would also like to express my gratitude to the folks at for making this possible by hosting this site.

What is Blender?

The Blender web site describes Blender as an integrated 3D graphics creation suite allowing modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, realtime interactive 3D and game creation and playback with cross-platform compatibility. Blender is licensed under the GPL and is available at for Windows, Linux, OSX, Solaris, Irix and FreeBSD.

Useful Links

Main Blender Site Download Blender Here
Blender Developers Site Get documentation here
User Forums A great place to ask questions

My Tutorials

Level 1 = Beginner, 4 = Expert
Do a "Save as" to save the video to your computer
Topic Version Level Size Download
LSCM UVmapping 2.34 3.5 48Mb uvtut.avi
Subdivision Surfaces 2.34 2.0 75Mb subdiv.avi
Using Dupliverts 2.34 2.0 50Mb duplivert.avi
Paths and Dupliframes 2.34 2.0 - 2.5 66Mb dupliframe.avi
Key Framing and IPO Curves 2.34 2.0 - 2.5 63Mb kfipo.avi
Making a telephone cord 2.42a 3.0 40Mb curly.mpg
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Over the Shoulder Sessions

The following videos aren't formal tutorials but where you can watch how I would go about modelling some objects
Do a "Save as" to save the video to your computer
Topic Version Level Size Download
Bathtub and Bishop 2.36 - 100Mb ssdemo.avi
Volley Ball 2.36 - 22Mb volley.avi
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Contributed Tutorials

Level 1 = Beginner, 4 = Expert
Do a "Save as" to save the video to your computer
Topic Author Version Level Size Download
Interface Concepts Glen Moyes 2.34 1 48Mb Divx interface.avi
Using the 3D Viewport Glen Moyes 2.34 1 30Mb Divx 3dview.avi
Vital Functions Glen Moyes 2.34 1 33Mb Divx vf1.avi
Vital Functions - Appending Glen Moyes 2.34 1.5 - 2.0 20Mb Divx vf2.avi
Ramp Shaders Glen Moyes 2.34 2.0 - 2.5 25Mb Divx ramp.avi
How to Make Video Tutorials Glen Moyes n/a n/a 29Mb Divx vidtute.avi
Camera Changing HeadCheese 2.34 2.5 - 3.0 30Mb Divx camera.avi
Normal Mapping mifune 2.36 3.0 - 4.0 31Mb Divx nmap.avi
Soft Body Tutorial tuxbot Bf-Blender 3.0 - 4.0 8Mb Divx softcomp.avi
Character Tutorial - Ref Images Jonathan Frammingham 2.4 2.0-3.0 40.7kb rar refimages.rar
Character Tutorial - Setup Jonathan Frammingham 2.4 2.0-3.0 11Mb wmv setup.wmv
Character Tutorial - Foot Jonathan Frammingham 2.4 2.0-3.0 16Mb wmv foot.wmv
Character Tutorial - Leg Jonathan Frammingham 2.4 2.0-3.0 23Mb wmv leg.wmv
Character Tutorial - Torso 1 Jonathan Frammingham 2.4 2.0-3.0 12Mb wmv torso1.wmv
Character Tutorial - Torso 2 Jonathan Frammingham 2.4 2.0-3.0 18Mb wmv torso2.wmv
Character Tutorial - Arm Jonathan Frammingham 2.4 2.0-3.0 20Mb wmv arm.wmv
Character Tutorial - Hand 1 Jonathan Frammingham 2.4 2.0-3.0 25Mb wmv hand1.wmv
Character Tutorial - Hand 2 Jonathan Frammingham 2.4 2.0-3.0 15Mb wmv hand2.wmv
Character Tutorial - Finishing Jonathan Frammingham 2.4 2.0-3.0 20Mb wmv joining.wmv
Puzzle Ball Tutorial Brian Peters 2.42 2.0-3.0 68Mb divx PuzzleTutDIVX512x384.avi
Puzzle Ball Blend File Brian Peters 2.42 2.0-3.0 86kb PuzzleTutStart_A.blend


All of my tutorials on this site are licensed under the Free Art License see If you wish to contribute tutorials to this site they must be licensed under this license or a similar open source style license which should be included with your submission.

Glen Moyes' videos are released under the Artistic Licence.


If you have any questions about this site or wish to contribute a video tutorial I can be contacted at

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