Violence and INjury Control through
Education, Networking and Training
on the World Wide

Sponsored by the Injury Prevention Research Center
at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

This free introductory course on injury prevention and control contains material from the June 6, 1997 videoconference, "Getting Started in Injury Control and Violence Prevention" presented in a web-based format that expands upon and supplements the televised program.

Choose from the options below:
 Take the course
 Read the Q&A from the videoconference
 Review the workbook (in PDF format)
 Follow the links to injury control sites

VINCENTweb was designed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill by the Health Communications Research Laboratory and is sponsored by the following organizations:

Injury Prevention Research Center

School of Public Health

Center for Distance Learning and Health Communication

Center for Public Health Practice Office of Continuing Education

With Support from:

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

UNC Chancellor's Task Force on Instructional Technology

In Cooperation with:

Association of Schools of Public Health

Co-sponsored by:

Colorado Injury Control Research Center

Harvard University Injury Control Center

Johns Hopkins University Center for Injury Research and Policy

San Francisco General Hospital Trauma Foundation

UCLA Southern California Injury Prevention Research Center

University of Alabama at Birmingham Injury Control Research Center

University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center

University of Pittsburgh Center for Injury Research and Control

University of Washington Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center

Questions or comments: vincent@ibiblio.org