The Fiddler's Companion

A Descriptive Index of North American,

British Isles and Irish Music for the Folk Violin

and other Instruments

by Andrew Kuntz


NOTICE: 1/1/12  The Fiddler’s Companion is being converted to a Wiki format and is renamed to the Traditional Tune Archive (TTA) at  The new wiki will provide greater utility for searches, data submission, querying, etc., and each and every entry is being re-researched for the latest information, and new entries are being added. If you have found the F/C useful, please check the TTA at


Since 1996 the Fiddler's Companion has been a popular internet resource for those interested in the body of traditional music usually associated with the violin, generically called 'fiddle tunes'. Primarily dance music, the genre also encompasses listening music and music written for specific occasions. The Fiddler's Companion is used by musicians, investigators and writers as a research aide, a source for information and lore, for general interest and just for the fun of browsing.

Indexing began in 1987 and continues through the present, and is the sole work of the editor and identified contributors and sources. The cross-referenced entries themselves are arranged in the ‘Alphabetical Files’ section below.

The Fiddler's Companion consists of:

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© 1996-2009  Andrew Kuntz. All Rights Reserved.

The editor invites comments, suggestions, corrections and constructive criticism of
this work. All financial contributions to help maintain this index are gratefully accepted, as are donations of electronic, recorded and print sources.