Tēnā koe! This directory of stuff has the same content as the CD WSCF-AP Library: Archives and Resource Materials Since 1974, with just the minimal re-working needed to get it to work on the vast interweb. To start:
If you're looking for recent publications, you'll probably want to try WSCF A-P's Praxis home page instead for issues from 2001 onwards.
Note: some minor graphical elements made by SCMP that are on the disc are missing -- it appears they were embedded in a self-executing Flash file. This disc launcher contains an automatic player for the music (which probably wouldn't be traffic-efficient for an online implementation anyway), a brief video clip, and some acknowledgements from SCMP regarding the CD project.
Comments and abuse about the site to jonathan@ibiblio.org. But I didn't write the books -- e-mail the authors concerned.
I understand that the disc was originally put together by the Student Christian Movement of the Philippines.
© Copyright 1974 to 2005 by WSCF A-P, SCMP, SCMA, Jonathan Ah Kit and a whole bunch of other suspects. Allegedly. We also love valid markup when we have the time.