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ibiblio- Nepal and Tibet
Pages from our collection featuring Nepal and Tibet.

Sockpa Kangtsen at Gaden Monastery

Sockpa Kangtsen is a hostel for monks at Gaden Monastic University which has been restablished in South India. The Kangtsen is part of Shartse College one of the two colleges at Gaden. At present there are over 120 monks at Sockpa Kangtsen. Almost all of these monks originate from the North Eastern-Amdo region of Tibet closely associated with the lineage of Achok Rinpoche and Achok Tseney Monastery. At Gaden, Sockpa students are generally well known for their dedication to studies and interests in scholarly works.

Music Nepal

Nepalese Flag
Traditional and contemporary Nepalese songs. A collection of traditional Nepalese songs, available in Mp3 or Real format. Includes songs from a variety of regions and castes, including Sherpa, Newar, and Gurung. The songs are festival songs as well as working songs and love songs. The entire collection can be 'streamed' for continuous listening. Music Nepal is the largest and most pioneering music publishing/recording house in the private sector in Nepal.

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy
TCHRD's mission is to highlight the human rights situation in Tibet and to promote principles of democracy in Tibetan community. The objectives are to protect and promote human rights of Tibetan people and to build Tibetan society based on the principles of human rights and democracy. TCHRD is a Tibetan NGO that investigates the human rights situation in Tibet and presents this information internationally in various fora. We also organise educational programs and promote the principles of democracy within the Tibetan community.

Tibetan Multi-Education Centre

Since the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1949, the school system has been dramatically changed. Hundreds of monasteries have been destroyed, leaving entire communities and thousands of students without the means of an education. The Chinese education system requires students to learn Chinese as their first language leaving Tibetans with little education in their own language. The resettling of the Chinese people in Tibet has left Tibetans as a minority in their own country.

The Multi-Education Centre is a non-profit educational centre for Tibetans-in-exile, in Dharamsala, India. They aim to provide free, quality education to newly arrived Tibetans and others in the community. The MEC currently provides classes in several languages, a research and publication centre, and runs a restaurant and hotel to support needy students.

Volunteer Tibet - Compassion in Action

VolunteerTibet is a volunteer referral service that quickly and efficiently connects organisations of the Tibetan community with skilled volunteers for short and long term opportunities. Currently working with non-profit and government Tibetan organisations in India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet, VolunteerTibet officially launched its service on December 10th, 2002, commemorating the date His Holiness the Dalai Lama received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Hsuan Tsang Buddhist Institute

Hsuan Tsang Buddhist Institute is located near Kolkata, Indai. The institute's purpose is to train students in both Tibetan and Chinese traditions of Buddhism, translate Tibetan Buddhist texts and traditions to Chinese, and to offer qualified personnel for academic research and preservation of both traditions, as well as the cultural exchange between them. The Institute has the blessing and support of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Science for Monks

Science for Monks is a project of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and functions through the auspices of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamshala, India. Annual workshops provide an intensive hands-on introduction to science and mathematics for Tibetan religious scholars in India.

The LTWA is an institute of the Tibetan Governement in Exile (http://www.tibet.com) and is located in Dharmshala, India. Since its inaguration in 1971, LTWA has quickly become one of the most important repository for Tibetan artifacts and manuscripts in the world. The library has over 20,000 visitors a year and has developed into a nexus of culture and education for all Tibetans and people interested in Tibet.

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Last updated February 1, 2003
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