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Blogs at ibiblio

I am not going to make any show of false modesty by suggesting that Americans may not care to read about the intimate details of my life and opinions, or to follow "the adventure of living" of a journalist and a public writer whose life, judged superficially, has been quite uneventful. I read with pleasure the lives of American men and women when they were not people of action, and I daresay people across the Atlantic will pay me a similar compliment.



It's been just about a year since the Lyceum Project launched! It's a multi-blog derivative of WordPress, suitable for installations with 2 or 200,000 blogs!



"When you want to know more but don't know where to look." Groklaw is a comprehensive legal news resource created by Pamela Jones. It is a journalistic enterprise whose aim is to unite people to work together knowledgeably to contribute to the defense of Linux, the kernel, and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Groklaw contains a archive of every significant element in the history of the SCO v. IBM, SCO v. Novell, SCO v. AutoZone, SCO v. DaimlerChrysler and Red Hat v. SCO lawsuits, including transcripts of the legal documents filed in plain text and transcripts of teleconferences and media events.

Video on Linux

Video on Linux

ibiblio's own Joey Carr chronicles the trials and tribulation of working with video on the Linux platform using open source software.

World Music Central

World Music Central

Founded by Ángel Romero, World Music Central provides news content about world music, festivals, artist biographies, music books and international arts and crafts. World Music Central - Your connection to World Music.



One of the first library-related blogs, librarian.net has been providing links and commentary on library issues with a radical librarian perspective. Created in 1999 and maintained by rarin' librarian Jessamyn West, librarian.net has traveled to Australia, the Democratic National Convention, the chambers of the American Library Association Council, and library conferences across the US. Visit the site to learn more about open source library tools, digital rights management, the library funding crisis, and the USA PATRIOT Act.

..suki's real..

..suki's real..

"Well. Well, today the great adventure begins." A blog with a graphical flavor...

All resources hosted at ibiblio. Browse our collection index for more sites and information.
Last updated Feb 1, 2007.

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ibiblio Favorites Documenting the American South
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Oh Freedom

Dr. Fun
Today's Dr. Fun

ibiblio's Movie O' The Month
Donnie Barnes' "Molasses"

Doc Searls
Video of DocSearls' public talk at UNC on 9/7/04

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Khawa Karpo-Tibet Culture Centre
The Poetry Project
Pacific Bulb Society
A Box in My Mind: Deciphering the Enigma of Peru
The Secret Library
Triangle Woodworkers Association
suki's real
Virtual AGC
PATRONIZED: a semi-annual journal about the lives and labor of librarians
Photographs by Todd Stabley
Scott Sloan, Space Bureaucrat

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