ibiblio - Earth and Sky
Pages from our collection about Earth and beyond:
Astrobiology: The Living Universe
Astrobiology: The Living Universe is the web's premiere educational resource for astrobiology, featuring in-depth information and interviews on exobiology, planetary biology, the origins of life and human spaceflight. The site doesn't end with that however - every single page within this website is also available in an enhanced PDF printable format and it has a network of forums and interactive applets as well as a number of Flash animations.
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) serves to advance the worldwide aspects of the chemical sciences and to contribute to the application of chemistry in the service of Mankind. As a scientific, international, non-governmental and objective body, IUPAC can address many global issues involving the chemical sciences.
IUPAC was formed in 1919 by chemists from industry and academia. Over nearly eight decades, the Union has succeeded in fostering worldwide communications in the chemical sciences and in uniting academic, industrial and public sector chemistry in a common language. IUPAC has long been recognized as the world authority on chemical nomenclature, terminology, standardized methods for measurement, atomic weights and many other critically evaluated data.
Air Pollution in North Carolina
From industrial emissions to car exhaust, the air that North Carolinians breathe is getting worse. For the state's poor, air pollution is a special problem. Learn about how emissions from a hog farm have impacted the lives of North Carolina residents, and about how air pollution is adversely affecting all of North Carolina's people.
Anyone in North Carolina looking at the sky on a cloudless day will see a gray haze in the distance. That haze, caused by emissions from everything from industry to automobiles, worsens every year. Pollution from particles such as sulfates and nitrates is worsened by humidity as the particles absorb water and grow. Sulfates and nitrates can more than triple in size as humidity increases, making visibility worse during periods of high humidity - like summer months.
Permaculture Institute
The Permaculture Institute was founded by Scott Pittman in 1997 to provide education, consulting, media contact, funding, project financing, and technical information. Institue activitie are organized into five major areas: education, research and demonstration, publications, special projects, and grants.
The Institute conducts a Permaculture Design Certification course several times each year. The course is a two week residential "paradign change" educational event. The students have a chance to submerge into the world of permaculture, learn hands-on and in the classroom, take field trips, attend slide presentations, participate in a 2-day design exercise and more. This event is one of the best ways to gain understanding in ecological design strategies and natural processes, and learn multiple skills in appropriate techniques and materials. The Institute has more details, include dates and times of upcoming workshops.
The Internet Apiculture and Beekeeping Archive -
Apiculture is very diverse; our fostering of several insect species to
pollinate our crops and produce honey, wax, propolis and venom occurs
worldwide. The old beekeeping adage: "There are as many ways to keep bees as
there are beekeepers" describes this amazing diversity in beekeeping.
Logically then, there is no "proper" way to keep bees, no "right" way to
manage for honey production, or to rear queens--the best we can do as good
beekeepers and as good neighbors is to share our techniques, lore, knowledge
and experiences, basing them upon a rigorous foundation in insect biology.
The Kudzu Collection
- A Vine for Modern Times
A native of China and Japan, the kudzu plant is a coarse-growing perennial with trifoliate leaves that have coarsely lobed leafets. It produces large, wisteria-like, purple flowers on long racemes, and beans in flat, papery pods covered with a tawny down. Kudzu plants produce long lateral runners that generate roots at intervals. Being a member of the bean family (Fabaceae), bacteria in the roots fixes atmospheric nitrogen, thus increasing soil fertility wherever it grows. Were the vines not killed by frost, the entire South would soon become a single huge kudzu patch. As it is, the two million acres of kudzu now present in the South grow back from the roots each spring.