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ibiblio celebrates North Carolina.

When we consider the Latitude and convenient Situation of Carolina, had we no farther Confirmation thereof, our Reason would inform us, that such a Place lay fairly to be a delicious Country, being placed in that Girdle of the World which affords Wine, Oil, Fruit, Grain, and Silk, with other rich Commodities, besides a sweet Air, moderate Climate, and fertile Soil; these are the Blessings (under Heaven's Protection) that spin out the Thread of Life to its utmost Extent, and crown our Days with the Sweets of Health and Plenty, which, when join'd with Content, renders the Possessors the happiest Race of Men upon Earth.

Documenting the American South

Documenting the American South logo.
Documenting the American South (DAS) is a collection of sources on Southern history, literature and culture from the colonial period through the first decades of the 20th century. The Academic Affairs Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sponsors DAS, and as of November 2003, DAS includes 1,253 books and manuscripts. Two current DAS projects are The North Carolina Experience, Beginnings to 1940, and North Carolinians and the Great War.

Picturing the North Carolina Fund

The North Carolina Fund Photographic Exhibit Introduction.
Strength. Inspiration. The Picturing the North Carolina Fund online photography exhibit captures some of the most powerful images of community activism across North Carolina during the 1960s. These remarkable black and white photographs by Billy Barnes tell the story of the North Carolina Fund, a five year innovative community development initiative that sought to address racial and socioeconomic inequality throughout our state.

Excavating Occaneechi Town: Archaeology of an Eighteenth-Century Indian Village in North Carolina

Occaneechi Town image.
This is an online version of Excavating Occaneechi Town, a CD-ROM published by UNC Press with the Research Laboratories of Archaeology at UNC - Chapel Hill. This electronic site report describes and interprets the buried remains of a small but important village of the Occaneechi tribe in North Carolina at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Excavating Occaneechi Town contains a wealth of visual and descriptive information not usually available in an archaeological site report, including an archaeological teaching tool called the "electronic dig" which allows student to design their own research strategies and re-excavate Occaneechi Town.


A sign advertising molasses production.
Molasses is a film by Sandra Jacobi that documents the process and history surrounding molasses production in Union Mills, NC, which has been happening there since the 1920's. This film features the family in their last year of molasses production, capturing a historical process that is becoming increasingly rare.

Fully Awake: The Black Mountain College Experience

Black Mountain College image.
Fully Awake: The Black Mountain College Experience is a documentary film project that explores Black Mountain College's history and cultural impact. The project seeks to inspire students by presenting Black Mountain's motivational inception, its constant struggle for survival, and its significant cultural impact in the local, national, and global community. Black Mountain College created an important community for self-exploration through education, and this film and its accompanying web site capture that significance.

Haw River

An image of the Haw River.
This site dedicated to North Carolina's Haw River accompanies the UNC-TV program "IQ: The Haw River," and was created by UNC-Chapel Hill students. A Macromedia Flash plug-in is required to fully interact with pages covering pollution, sedimentation, river animals, water allocation, and helping the river. The site also includes photo galleries and videos.
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Last updated November 1, 2003
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ibiblio favorites Documenting the American South
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