The relationship of an
individual or local community's action to the whole system can be
experienced quite readily. For example, an open source software
developer who writes just a few useful lines of code, say the protocol
for enabling infrared communications to work on the Linux operating
system, will see his or her contribution interpolated into the kernel
of the operating system and then spread to everyone who uses it. He
has done more than distributed a line of computer code. He has also
enabled thousands of people using Linux to connect cell phones, PDA's
and other devices to their computers for the first time. And he did it
from his home, in his spare time.
The Ibiblio Linux Archive
ibiblio has been involved with Linux since its founding in 1992. ibiblio currently
hosts over 171 gigabytes of Linux programs and documentation, with many of the most popular
Linux distributions available
at a snap. ibiblio also hosts mirrors of
some of the most popular Linux distributions. Research at ibiblio includes methods to make
the Linux distributions easier to discover and use through the
Linsearch, which utilizes the Linux LSMs. If
you prefer, you can view the ibiblio Linux distributions with an ftp view You're also welcome
to submit your own Linux
distribution or software to keep the ball rolling.
The Linux Documentation Project
The goal of the Linux Documentation Project (LDP) is to create and distribute the canonical set of free GNU/Linux documentation. While GNU/Linux applications and utilities may come with their own documentation, LDP documentation fills in the numerous gaps.
The hundreds of existing LDP documents present both overviews and details of: the GNU/Linux Operating System, System Administration, Hardware, Networks, Servers, GUIs, Programming, Language Support, etc.
"When you want to know more but don't know where to look." Groklaw is a comprehensive legal news resource created by Pamela Jones. It is a journalistic enterprise whose aim is to unite people to work together knowledgeably to contribute to the defense of Linux, the kernel, and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Groklaw contains an archive of every significant element in the history of the SCO v. IBM, SCO v. Novell, SCO v. AutoZone, SCO v. DaimlerChrysler and Red Hat v. SCO lawsuits, including transcripts of the legal documents filed in plain text and transcripts of teleconferences and media events.
Embedded Linux Software Index
A custom built SourceForge-esk repository for embedded linux software. Currently support software for the Sharp Zaurus and Siemens SIMpad