Henon strange attractors

The 1st figure to the left below shows the results of successive iterations of the map started at the fixed point (marked by the x label). Plots started at another initial values are almost identical (exept for an initial transient), suggesting that the figures is an attractor. Click mouse to get new (red) strange attractor starting at new initial point. The next figures are successive blow-ups of the squared regions in the preceding figure. Scale invariant, Cantor-set-like structura transverse to the linear structure is evident. Thus the attractor is strange with dimension between one and two.
The last four images are scaled by the factor of 0.15 .
(click mouse with Alt/Ctrl to zoom the pictures)

[1] M.Henon "A two-dimensional mapping with a strange attractor" Comm.Math.Phys. 50, 69 (1976).

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updated 27 June 2004