Use device orientation, mouse, qwe-keys to navigate.
Fractal + spline based procedural world (~20kb in public domain).
3D WebGL model. 60 fps on Nexus 10. Sorry the script uses
OES_element_index_uint extension and doesn't work on Mali 400 or Tegra 4.
The World with antialiasing
is more smooth, but too heavy for mobile yet.
Spline based and Fractal terrains
Tensor product subdivision spline patches
Tensor product of cubic
subdivision spline curves is used to make 2D
spline patches (random splined terrains).
At first an array hi, j of random heights
(control points) is generated on regular square grid (see below).
Then subdivision and averaging steps are used repeatedly.
var k = 512, m = 32, c16 = 1/16;
var h = new Float32Array(k*k), hb = new Float32Array(k*k);
var mm = m*m, mm1 = mm - 1, m1 = m - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) h[i] = z0*rand();
while(m < k){
for(var j = 0; j < mm; j += m ){ // subdivision
var jp = (j + m) & mm1;
for(var i = 0; i < m; i++ ){
var ip = (i + 1) & m1;
var t = i+j, m2 = m + m;
var h0 = h[t], h1 = h[ip+j], h2 = h[i+jp];
t = 2*(i + 2*j);
hb[t] = h0;
hb[t + m2 + 1] = (h0 + h1 + h2 + h[ip+jp])*.25;
hb[t + 1] = (h0 + h1)*.5;
hb[t + m2] = (h0 + h2)*.5;}}
m = m2;
mm = m*m; mm1 = mm - 1; m1 = m - 1;
for(var j = 0; j < mm; j += m ){ // averaging
var jp = (j + m) & mm1, jm = (j + mm - m) & mm1;
for(var i = 0; i < m; i++ ){
var ip = (i + 1) & m1, im = (i + m - 1) & m1, t = i + j;
h[t] = c16*(4*hb[t] +
2*(hb[ip + j] + hb[im + j] + hb[i + jp] + hb[i + jm]) +
hb[ip + jp] + hb[ip + jm] + hb[im + jp] + hb[im + jm]);}}
Fractal terrains
To get random multi-scale noise (see
Fractal terrains) by the diamond
square algorithm we use random disturbation (instead of avereging)
of the new points in every subdivision step as
hi+½, j = (hi, j
+ hi+1, j )/2 + a Random(),
hi, j+½ = (hi, j
+ hi, j+1 )/2 + a Random(),
hi+½, j+½ =
(hi, j + hi+1, j + hi, j+1
+ hi+1, j+1 )/4 + a Random()
a = a / 2. Therefore we can combine random disturbation and smoothing
to get complex random procedural mixed
terrains (see also 2048×2048 world at the top
of the page). "Red planet".
Lake with 1250 procedural plants,
lake with complex plants and
lake editor.