WebGPU compute samples

These samples are tested under Windows 11 in Chrome Canary with the flag "--enable-unsafe-webgpu" and Firefox Nightly with "dom.webgpu.enabled = true".
Samples are based on Get started with GPU Compute on the Web.

Sample 1: GPU buffers write/copy/read operations

something is wrong?
Instructions: Check out JavaScript console.

Sample 2: Simple compute shader

    fn main([[builtin(global_invocation_id)]] global_id : vec3<u32>) {
      dataOut.f[global_id.x] = dataIn.f[global_id.x] + 1.0;

WebGPU graphic samples

More WebGPU Samples.
Getting started with WebGPU medium.com
TFjs notes     updated 12 Dec 2021