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Looking for something on SunSITE? Find it with the state of the art
Lycos search engine.
You can now take a look at the SunSITE Web Statistics. They're updated every hour.
- The Radio First Termer
Home Page
- Join your host Dave Rabbit and his studio engineer Pete Sadler as you
experience a bit of the unofficial history of the Vietnam War with sound
clips from this pirate radio station that operated in South Vietnam ca.
- Zen @ SunSITE
- A center for various Zen sources to be found on the Internet, as well as an HTML version of
The Gateless Gate, a collection of Zen koans.
Phil Zimmermann (PGP) Legal
Defense Fund Appeal
- The Author of PGP, Phil Zimmerman, is being harrassed by the US government.
Contribute to his Legal Defense Fund!
The Elvis Presley Home Page
- The King lives AGAIN on SunSITE!
- Le Louvre
- Yes! The Louvre! That big museum in France with all the paintings
and stuff.
AIDS Related Patents from the CNIDR-PTO project.
- Searchable via a great Z39.50
gateway via forms including images, page facsimilies, and similar patents.
- UNC's student-run radio station now has the first 24/7 simulcast over the net.
- On The Horizon
- A journal devoted to the future of education from the UNC School of Education. Sponsored by Cisco Systems
UNC-CH Office of Information Technology's SunSITE Project
Sun Microsystems Information Page
- Information on Sun Archives, Newsgroups, and More!
- All the SunSITEs in the world!
Cisco Inc. Information Archive
- Information on Cisco Inc., including
the Cisco Educational Archive and Resources Catalog Home page - CEARCH.
- Exhibits,
Archives and Expositions
- Multimedia Projects based here at SunSITE. There are many new
exhibits along with current favorites, including: The Elvis Home Page, Expo, OTIS, Dr. Fun, and IUMA.
- Ogphre, the SunSITE gopher
- A variety of gopher-based services available on SunSITE
- Heliocentric
Information Map
- Gateway to CyberSpace -- A spherical view of the Infoverse, with
SunSITE at the center, expanding outward to UNC-Chapel Hill, the great state
of North Carolina, the rest of these fair United States, and the World Beyond.
- LaUNChpad
- UNC-CH's Internet Service Mediator (e-mail, news, gopher)
- U.S.
Government Hypertexts
- Full text, and related information, of federal documents, including
the National Perfomance Review, The National Information
Infrastructure Proposal, The
Technology Initiative Summary, and The National
Health Security Plan.
- N.C.
Custom Weather Server
- The
OIT/CS Workstation Development Group
- The developers of the UNC/SunSITE Archives.