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RTPnet, operated by a volunteer staff, is a membership-based service dedicated to helping North Carolina nonprofit organizations leverage Internet…
Nachiar Vidyalayam belongs to Appachi Cotton Company. A company with a vision that goes beyond cloth- it wants to play a role in shaping the very…
Founded as a grassroots organization in 1997, the Louisiana Himalaya Association Inc (LHAInc) is dedicated to helping Tibetan refugees who have fled…
Born in a promise between two sisters – Nancy Brinker to her sister, Susan G. Komen, who died from breast cancer at the age of 36 – the Susan G.…
EAT THE STATE! is a shamelessly biased political journal. We want an end to poverty, exploitation, imperialism, militarism, racism, sexism,…
EMpowerME provides information to aid victims of interpersonal violence and their family and friends. It provides location information for ALL…
The Carolina Transportation Program is an interdisciplinary research and education program. Our program focuses on the study of transportation…
The goal of this project is to educate the public and develop material to increase the public understanding of many world issues.
The mission of the Augustine Project is to improve the reading ability and thereby enhance the academic achievement of low-income children and teens…
Threshold is an ICCD certified clubhouse providing psychosocial rehabilitation and services to Durham County adults with severe and persistent mental…