Margaret Walker
Dark BloodI Want To Write
We Have Been Believers
Molly Means
Southern Song
Sorrow Home
Kissie Lee
Long John Nelson And Sweetiepie
Big John Henry
Ballad Of The Hoppy-toad
October Journey
Love Song For Alex,1979
The Struggle Staggers Us
For My People
I Hear A Rumbling
Panel on the Poetry of Margaret Walker
"For My People" (performance)
Tomeiko R. Ashford
"I Want to Write/I Want to Write the Songs of My People": Voice and Vision in
the Poetry of Margaret Walker
Maryemma Graham
"Speaking pearls and weaving tapestries": Margaret Walker's Black Women Poems
Joyce Pettis
"Souls Into Notes": Music and Meaning in the Poetry of Margaret Walker
Joanne V. Gabbin